State retirement oversight board removes BlackRock from portfolio for ESG violations
The board of the Indiana Public Retirement System unanimously voted to replace Black Rock as the provider of global inflation-linked bonds to the system.
The board of the Indiana Public Retirement System unanimously voted to replace Black Rock as the provider of global inflation-linked bonds to the system.
A year the Holcomb administration revealed a shortfall in the state’s Medicaid program of nearly $1 billion, lawmakers will start working in January to piece together legislation that at least in part deals with the second-largest and fastest-growing item in the state budget.
Dr. Gloria Sachdev will oversee four major state agencies: the Department of Health, the Family and Social Services Administration, the Department of Child Services and the Department of Veteran Affairs.
The investment total continues a trend of record-breaking years for the IEDC. The state has improved its annual total every year since Gov. Eric Holcomb took office (with the exception of 2020 due to the pandemic.)
The state’s job-creation agency is seeking $27 million to purchase about 307 acres and pay for deposits and option payments for additional land west of Interstate 65. Another $33 million is being sought for infrastructure work.
Indiana University President Pamela Whitten commended enrollment numbers for school’s new Indianapolis campus and outlined how the university is increasing its presence in emerging industries during her annual State of the University address.
Regional power grid leader Suzanne Jaworowski has been chosen to serve as Indiana Gov.-elect Mike Braun’s secretary of energy and natural resources.
The regional development arm of the Indy Chamber will expand its coverage area after an agreement with the Greater Columbus Economic Development Corp., the organizations announced Friday.
Lawmakers are holding their collective breath in anticipation of Dec. 17 forecasts for tax receipts and Medicaid needs that will determine how they’ll proceed with writing the state’s next two-year budget and funding priorities like education.
The governor-elect’s plans include creating a consolidated workforce development strategy and adding a new entrepreneurship office.
Mike Speedy will oversee three departments—labor, insurance and financial institutions, the Gaming Commission, the Alcohol and Tobacco Commission, and the Professional Licensing Agency.
The goal is to double the community college’s early-childhood education programs by 2027, resulting in nearly 2,000 more graduates each year.
David Adams, a former state workforce development commissioner, will be Indiana’s next secretary of commerce in Indiana Gov.-elect Mike Braun’s administration, while current Secretary of Education Katie Jenner will continue to lead the state’s education system.
Former Pentagon official Lisa Hershman will serve as secretary of management and budget and former state lawmaker Matthew Ubelhor will be secretary of transportation and infrastructure.
Head has returned to full-time status at Indianapolis-based law firm Krieg DeVault as a member of its governmental affairs team.
The coalition is a state branch of the national nonprofit Right to Start, which advocates for laws that provide tax breaks, provide procurement dollars and reduce regulations for startups and small businesses.
Of the 147 people Braun chose to serve on his 12 transition councils, one in three are private-sector business leaders and two in three have not previously worked in state government, an IBJ analysis found.
The Department of Energy’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations announced Wednesday afternoon that it had reached a cooperative agreement with the Midwest Alliance for Clean Hydrogen, or MachH2 for short, and awarded Phase 1 funding.
A balanced budget and property-tax relief are among the priorities for state legislators in the Indiana General Assembly.
An expected tight budget cycle could limit how much lawmakers are willing to designate for existing technical investments—never mind additional requests.