
Walmart to remodel 19 Indiana stores

Walmart on Wednesday said it plans to spend $96 million this year in Indiana to remodel 19 stores and expand some of its customer-service options and technology.

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Farmers fretting over market conditions

Researchers learned that many farmers are carrying larger loans than a year ago, and one in five of them said it was the result of carrying over a previous year’s unpaid operating debt.

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Editorial: Community needs to act to on income inequality problems

Local companies—be they big corporations or small startups—need a strong talent pool from which to draw their workers. State and local governments need a healthy tax base from which to pull revenue to keep the region’s infrastructure—roads, mass transit, internet access and more—strong enough for business. And the region needs residents who invest time, money and energy into their homes, their schools and their community at large. None of that can happen when a large percentage of the population is economically drowning.

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