
Indianapolis tries to halt Carmel’s 96th Street roundabout plan

In a lawsuit filed this month in Marion Superior Court, Indianapolis claims its northern neighbor is encroaching on the city’s corporate boundary. The seven-page complaint is seeking a preliminary injunction preventing Carmel from continuing with plans to build four roundabouts.

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EDITORIAL: HIP 2.0 is worth saving

Lawmakers should resist the temptation to pass a law that would destroy programs such as HIP 2.0 that have found a way to balance liberal ideals about government serving the poor with conservative principals about the marketplace.

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EDITORIAL: Tightfisted owner tanked Marsh

We don’t begrudge Sun for trying to turn a profit. And we acknowledge that Marsh had plenty of problems when Sun scooped it up. But the company—and community—deserved a better steward than Sun.

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