
Justice center panel to work at fast clip

A board set up to review Mayor Greg Ballard’s criminal justice complex proposal is scheduled to vote April 8, and the five members will be asked to digest loads of information in a two-week span.

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State adds 8,600 jobs; unemployment rate rises

Indiana added 8,600 private-sector jobs in January, but the state’s unemployment rate ticked up to 6 percent because of a “substantial” increase in the labor force, the Indiana Department of Workforce Development announced Tuesday.

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Greenwood manufacturer plans expansion, move to Indy

A Greenwood firm that manufactures wireless monitoring and control devices plans to move operations into an abandoned plant on the south side of downtown Indianapolis, allowing it to expand and add 25 workers before the end of the decade.

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Voluntary cleanup needs a higher gear

Are the owners of polluted properties using a state remediation program to duck responsibility for cleaning them up? It’s hard to reach any other conclusion when you consider that several local properties enrolled in the Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s VoluntaryRemediation Program have been in it for more than a decade. Property owners who participate […]

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