
Indiana adopts right to work

Indiana in February became the first state in a decade to pass such a law, and it was all the more significant because of the state’s heavy concentration of manufacturing jobs and sizable union presence.

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Developers unleash blitz of apartment projects

Construction began or was to begin soon on dozens of projects with thousands of units, most quite upscale and aimed at one of two growing segments of the population who increasingly see no stigma in renting: aging boomers and young families.

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Hoosier voters tap Pence to continue Daniels’ legacy

Pence, who served in the U.S. House of Representatives since 2001, left his strident rhetoric on abortion and other social causes in Washington, D.C., as he toured Indiana in a red pickup truck and talked about his policy “Roadmap.”

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EDITORIAL: Time for Pence to ditch tax cut

Incoming Indiana Gov. Mike Pence may have spent a decade as a U.S. representative. But he is a neophyte when it comes to managing the state budget—unlike legislative warhorses such as Speaker of the House Brian Bosma and Sens. David Long and Luke Kenley.

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