

Public records listing from the May 17, 2010, edition of IBJ.

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PROXY CORNER: First Merchants Corp.

First Merchants Corp. is a bank holding company that operates offices in Indiana and Ohio. For the year ended Dec. 31, 2009,
the company reported a net loss of $45.7 million, or $2.17 per diluted share, on $281.6 million in revenue.

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Stockholders of unclaimed Indians shares

The listed holders of eight unclaimed shares of Indianapolis Indians stock and their last known addresses:

ADI Appliances
5350 Lakeview Parkway South Drive
(owns two shares)

Borden’s Golden Social Club
6815 Guion Road

Mary H. Martin
3655 Boulevard Place, No. 212

Estelle R. Spurling
7988 N. Michigan Road, Apt. 308

Jeanette E. Herr
3208 Lost Valley Road
Fort Wayne, Ind.

Lillian Ramsey
300 N. Michigan St., Suite 404
South Bend, Ind.

William B. Frost
467 N. Conde St.
Tipton, Ind.

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WTHR names new general manager

John Cardenas, news director at WBNS-TV Channel 10 in Columbus, Ohio, will assume his new job at WTHR June 1. He'll take
over for Jim Tellus, who died suddenly in early March.

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