Jalene Hahn: Closing the complex financial gender gap
The Chartered Financial Analyst Institute identifies five distinct financial gaps between men and women: wages, wealth, retirement needs, retail investing and institutional investing.
The Chartered Financial Analyst Institute identifies five distinct financial gaps between men and women: wages, wealth, retirement needs, retail investing and institutional investing.
Medicare coverage is complicated. For many, reviewing current plan coverage and making a change brings uncertainty and confusion.
Identifying your money stories and messages is the first step to being able to change unhelpful thought patterns and move toward a healthier relationship with money.
He reminded me that “retirement readiness” is more than having the money in the bank; it needs to take into consideration all aspects of your well-being—financial, social, emotional and physical.
Bringing manipulative and harmful practices to light will help all of us protect ourselves.
Most instances of economic collapse are the result of war, corruption or gross economic mismanagement. Government action or inaction will dictate the severity of the shock.
Existing debt is often a contentious topic especially if one party has a disproportionate amount. Deciding how to tackle the debt will impact other priorities.
This irrational behavior is the underpinning of behavioral finance, the study of the influence of psychology on the behavior of investors.
One frequent mistake of first-time homebuyers is to “over buy,” thinking their future salary will make the payments easier. Buy a house you can afford and will enjoy.
Variable universal-life policies could be appropriate if you are a super savvy investor with lots of extra cash flow and are or anticipate being in a higher tax bracket later in life.
Most titles are for marketing purposes and are generally meaningless. Marketing pitches lead you to believe there is no distinction among different types of financial providers.
I hope you take time to reflect on your personal priorities, what positive habits you have developed or been forced to adopt and make changes that will help you reach your goals.
The stress of 2020 could really mess with your decision-making and good financial intentions.
While it might not be possible for you to singlehandedly change the corporate culture, there are things you have control over.
The pandemic has highlighted the fragility of many Americans’ financial situations. We need to start prioritizing saving and self-reliance.
Investment returns are driven by basic economic fundamentals: corporate earnings, economic growth, interest rates and many factors outside the control of any particular administration.
The retirement savings crisis has been growing for several years. The COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating the impact.
In addition to my business review, I am taking the time to look at where I am personally.
We all have varying levels of human capital, and our mindset determines how we use and enhance that capital.
In economics, there are only three ways to produce income—land, labor and capital. If you want to stop laboring [retire, reach financial independence, whatever], you need to acquire the other two.