SHELLA: Political lessons learned, and relearned
Ten takeaways from a memorable November election in Indiana:
Ten takeaways from a memorable November election in Indiana:
All of a sudden, when I check out news stories on the Internet, a negative political ad pops up and I can’t make it go away. That is, unless I want the news story to go away, too.
Richard Lugar is leaving the Senate, yet the Republican who lost the May primary election to Richard Mourdock still intends to continue some of the work that defined his life as a lawmaker. Lugar spelled out his plans for the first time in a recent speech to the Contemporary Club of Indianapolis at a dinner staged to honor his more than four decades of service as school board member, mayor and six-term U.S. senator.
Mitch Daniels is leaving office because of a term limit. As he departs at the end of his second four-year hitch, a recent independent poll placed the Daniels approval rating at 66 percent, showing a large majority of voters still approve of the job he’s doing.
He lost the majority in 2010 and staged two failed walkouts in 2011 and 2012. That was part of it.
Twitter provides a play-by-play of every meaningful political event.
That means they sleep, eat, work and attend school in Arlington. Their hearts are in Indiana.
Long knows that, in order to keep his leadership post, he has to give in to a number of conservative demands.
There has been a lot of disinformation and misinformation in Indiana politics of late with regard to the residency issue.
All of this union-backed expression is in response to the right-to-work bill.
They are wasting their ammunition on each other.
If you want to know what really matters in the upcoming legislative session it’s likely impossible to find out now.
Look for the Democrats to field a stronger candidate in 2015.
When the Tea Party Express sent representatives from Georgia and California to endorse Mourdock, they couldn’t answer a simple question about why they support the challenger.
There is a community that has grown up around the show, Republicans and Democrats who have new respect for one another, journalists who view politicians in more humane ways, and politicos who better understand journalists’ motives based on what is said both on the air and off.
Never mind that Conan got the title wrong. He was right about the voting record and, most important, he got a laugh.
You could come up with a clumsier name for a college than Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, but it would be tough.
I appreciate the fact that a team of people go through a day’s worth of information and try to prioritize it for me.
I’m told that in the 2004 race, Joe Kernan, the Democratic nominee, personally vetoed any use of the Daniels divorce in his campaign.
Indianapolis Democrat Greg Taylor goes to the microphone so much he makes Don Quixote look lethargic. Carmel Republican Mike Delph seems to scour the Drudge Report looking for new ways to make the electorate adopt his values.