Cecil Bohanon and John Horowitz: No clear path to peace in Middle East conflict
The vicious circle of violence and revenge between France and Germany was ended by World War II, which killed 15 million soldiers and 38 million civilians.
The vicious circle of violence and revenge between France and Germany was ended by World War II, which killed 15 million soldiers and 38 million civilians.
Claudia Goldin’s research found that childless men and women earn about the same, but having children reduces women’s earnings because they mainly bear the costs of combining work with family and have limited workplace flexibility.
The primary way the Fed tries to maintain low and stable inflation is through the target rate it sets for Fed Funds, which is the interest rate for overnight lending between U.S. banks.
But 45 Indiana cities with a population over 10,000 but under 50,000 in 2020 had more residents than in 1970.
We often look at past practices with disgust, but future generations will probably feel the same about some of our choices.
Economic reality is currently trumping political aspiration in New York City.
Of course, discerning eligibility and benefits for a firm or not-for-profit can be tricky, which is one reason consultants offer their services.
The Constitution’s framers feared large, permanent and professional armies. James Madison wrote, “Armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.”
China’s economic growth over the last 40 years has been spectacular, making China the “workshop of the world.”
These stories remind us that modern corporations, where shareholders are granted limited liability, reflect a classic legal and economic trade-off.
The top-line story is that the Fitch downgrade emerged from its perception that there “has been a steady deterioration in standards of governance over the last 20 years, including on fiscal and debt matters” in the United States.
Nevertheless, this and other studies find that attending an elite school has little to no effect on future earnings, as higher test scores alone predict higher earnings regardless of where one attends college.
Of course, people have different opinions about how hard constitutional change ought to be.
Over 90% of the El Salvadoran public approves of the government led by Nayib Bukele, who calls himself the “world’s coolest dictator.”
Forty years ago, if you said, “Go Google it,” or, “Let’s meet up by Zoom,” the expressions would have been incomprehensible, and your friends might have wondered what was wrong with you. Yet today, they are commonly understood.
Economics considers individuals who cooperate with others through networks such as markets and institutions to achieve common goals.
High-profile disasters focus attention on those dangers, and that focused attention makes people work to reduce those dangers.
Invest $10,000 in a five-year TIPS today, and if the CPI rises 20% over the period, the bond’s payout at maturity will be $12,000.
At latest count, some 38 households with 144 people from Afghanistan have settled in Muncie.
In the United States, pollution emitted by manufacturers has steadily declined over the last several decades while output has increased.