Health care, life sciences, utilities and philanthropy reporter

Before joining IBJ in 2016, Russell was a newspaper reporter for 30+ years in Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and Pennsylvania at papers as small as a monthly trade journal and as large as the Chicago Tribune. Most of his career has been as a business reporter, focusing on large companies. He lives on the Northeast side of Indianapolis and enjoys riding his bike, growing wildflower gardens, playing chess and reading.

Quick facts:

Family: Wife, Colleen; two grown sons; three cats

Favorite podcast: “War on Cars”

First job: Delivering the Cleveland Press to 25 houses on his block after school at age 10. “I’ve been a news man ever since,” he said.


Riley Health hires new president from Connecticut

Gil Peri begins his new job just as the system is about to undertake one of its biggest projects in a decade—relocating its maternity services from Methodist Hospital to new, centralized maternity and newborn health unit at Riley Hospital, as part of a $142 million expansion.

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