MAHERN: Insecurity on parade along Georgia Street
Why not recognize real local contribution rather than celebrity?
Why not recognize real local contribution rather than celebrity?
If an artist says that it is art, who are we to gainsay it?
There will be additional expense but none I believe that could not be covered by the sale of TV, Internet and DVD rights.
“Have a blessed day” suggests that the caller had it within his power to cause a blessing to be bestowed upon himself.
The factory system is no longer acceptable. We now demand professionalism from our teachers and a system that adapts to each child’s particular needs.
In these 30-some pages of advertising, there are photographs of 30 different individuals. Not one is African-American.
IPS and the ex-officio county commissioners cannot raise a dime for the library. Yet they appoint five of the seven members of the library board.
Save for a bust in the lobby of the City-County Building, you would never know he had ever been around.
It must be understood that Democrats even implying that other Democrats are racist is much worse than Republicans calling one another socialist.
Talking about education in a mayor’s race will only upset the adults who are the system’s primary beneficiaries—administrators and teachers.
Why not take the tax money we would have spent sending children to a failing system and give their parents the opportunity to send them to the private school of their choice? After all, that’s what we do when it comes to higher ed.
When a child comes home with a grade, is it too much to expect that it reflect how much he or she has learned?
OK, here’s your choice: You can reduce the public library book budget by a million dollars or you can recoup a good portion of that savings by deciding we really don’t need 72 elected public officials to dispense poor relief in Marion County.
The city should not approve another hotel development until it is clear the hotel operator will not pursue the same low-wage path of those who came before it.