

ECONOMIC ANALYSIS EPA policies cannot force economic choices Almost five years ago, a colleague and I were sought out by a large think tank to help develop a study to value natural resources on federal lands. This was during the height of the Bush administration. Several dozen scientists were working on the project, and my […]

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Build your economy by assessing community

Hard times present a fitting opportunity for communities to engage in useful self-reflection. In this case, deep thinking on the regional economy could best be served by focusing on the fundamentals first, not the outcomes.

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Youth program may promote sense of purpose

Though I’m an economist, and not much skilled at matters of the heart, it seems to me there’s something amiss in today’s national psyche. There’s no real sense of purpose or unity. For those of us old enough to have had very close relatives who lived through the Great Depression, today just feels different from […]

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Clawback provisions won’t hurt biz attraction

House Bill 1338 introduces a change to many (but not all) of our state’s tax incentives, adding what is known as a “clawback” provision, offering a reasonable and fair adjustment to our current tax incentives.

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ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Answer to stimulus formula equals inflation One of the reasons so many folks don’t like economics courses is that we economists use so much math. But, in our present circumstance, one equation is especially helpful, if not joyful. So, just stick with me for a few minutes. The “equation of exchange” theorizes that […]

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CAFE standards not as effective as gasoline tax

The Obama administration recently reversed a Bush-era policy that prevented states from imposing some of their own environmental policies with respect to corporate average fuel efficiency, or CAFE, standards.

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Stimulus just way too big to spend this year

After much debate, the U.S. House and Senate have come together on a stimulus package. Whether it will work remains to be seen. And the long-term impact of spending nearly $800 billion is a big concern.

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