Shariq Siddiqui: Leaders must push back against attacks on Muslims
We need you to stand up to the hateful rhetoric that emanates from the White House and by many within your party.
We need you to stand up to the hateful rhetoric that emanates from the White House and by many within your party.
Traditionally, these organizations have been overlooked by American foundations.
We must find a way to confront a new challenge that risks infecting and killing many.
February and March have been exhilarating and deflating times for Americans following the Democratic nomination process for president. With Super Tuesday behind us, the Democratic nomination boils down to two major sides: Sen. Bernie Sanders’ supporters and those opposing Trump. The Trump opponents have coalesced around Vice President Joe Biden. Sanders seems to have a […]
Engaging diverse voices with our organizational mission will make our not-for-profits more pluralistic and inclusive.
Approximately five U.S. children die every day of child abuse.
The real challenge we face is not about the instrumentality of a DAF. The real challenge is that there is hate, bigotry and prejudice in our country. We must find different ways to come together and educate society.
Politicians, advocacy organizations and other groups opposed to President Trump that have taken on Islamophobia.
According to Nonprofit Quarterly, the number of donor-advised fund accounts has increased 200% over the past five years.
Pluralism has long been one of the important purposes of the charitable deduction.
Social entrepreneurship is in many ways a result of the lack of perceived progress in moving the needle on social good.
We should find a mechanism to make charitable deductions available to all Americans.
Ethical Republicans and others who have supported the president must not embrace Attorney General William Barr’s summary as proof that Trump is in the clear.
This was a chilling message to Indiana minorities who continue to suffer from bias crimes with little legal protection from their Legislature.
Most studies suggest that increased legal immigration will result in a positive impact on our economy.
The challenge is that social value is hard to achieve when making a profit or worrying about the bottom line.
Have we considered that education can be not only utilitarian but also transformative? Transformative not in terms of the economic benefits it can produce, but in the way it can lead to meaningful lives and a better world.
Innovators and entrepreneurs (business and philanthropic) sometimes have to go beyond that which we know is achievable.
Hollywood, when it wants to, can change narratives and transform the way we think about creatures, beings and people.
As a former civil rights investigator, I have rarely heard prejudice stated directly.