Contributing editor

Harton joined IBJ in 1984, fresh out of Indiana University’s School of Journalism. He covered banking, real estate and the business of sports before becoming associate editor in 1988. He became managing editor the following year and editor in 1990, serving in that position until 2013. Over the years, Harton’s short stories about Indianapolis real estate have been published in The New York Times and he has won statewide and national awards for his IBJ editorials and columns. Harton is also a freelance writer and is active in several community organizations.


2019 CTO of the Year: Alan Pyrz

Under Pyrz, eGov designed and developed proprietary content management and payment solutions, has undergone two major code updates, revamped its infrastructure, and introduced company-wide processes to allow the team to succeed.

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Q&A with Tiffany Benjamin: Lilly’s efforts more than simply a day of service

“Our central focus as a company is always to make lives better. … It’s a value that is core to every single employee who works here. So if we can have programs that reinforce that we are a company that is focused on making lives better, then we are doing something that connects to our mission and reminds our employees what really matters to us as a company.”

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