Tibbs Drive-In opened in 1967. It now operates four screens, from mid-March through the end of October. - Photos by Eric Learned
Cars line up long before sunset on Saturday nights to get into the west-side Tibbs Drive-In Theatre. - Photos by Eric Learned
Gates open at 7:30 p.m. on weekends; tickets cost $6 for kids, $11 for ages 13 and up. - Photos by Eric Learned
Abraham Cherry throws a football to his dad while waiting for the sun to set. - Photos by Eric Learned
Moviegoers claim optimal viewing spots before the films begin. - Photos by Eric Learned
Daniel Schieber and Danielle Patterson bring the comforts of home for a night out. - Photos by Eric Learned
Customers settle in for a full tailgating experience, minus the grilling, before the show. - Photos by Eric Learned
Families arrive early to give children plenty of playground time. - Photos by Eric Learned
A plethora of rules doesn't deter the summer crowds. - Photos by Eric Learned
Friends and board games fill the early-evening hours. - Photos by Eric Learned
Priscilla Smith uses a blanket to convert her SUV roof into prime viewing and picnic space. - Photos by Eric Learned
The large concession area serves everything from scratch-made tenderloins to pizza. - Photos by Eric Learned
Tibbs Drive-In opened in 1967. It now operates four screens, from mid-March through the end of October. - Photos by Eric Learned
Cars line up long before sunset on Saturday nights to get into the west-side Tibbs Drive-In Theatre. - Photos by Eric Learned