
State arts commission budget down 20 percent

A 20-percent budget reduction for the Indiana Arts Commission will affect as many as 400 grant-dependent organizations
across the state. The agency’s overall budget will shrink from $4 million in 2009 to $3.2 million for the
next two fiscal years.

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In tough times, remember the arts as a civic duty

Attend arts events, visit our cultural organizations, and support our sports teams. If you don’t make regular donations to
arts and cultural organizations, there has never been a better and more important time to give.

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Police museum planned

The not-for-profit Indianapolis Historical and Educational Foundation is planning a police museum in the first floor of an old warehouse along Pennsylvania Street across from Conseco Fieldhouse.

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Arts fund-raising model not embraced locally

These days, many Indianapolis arts organizations barely know where their next dollar will come from. But an innovative
fund-raising model that’s found success in other cities might provide that sorely needed cash. In Cincinnati,
a venerable not-for-profit called the United Arts Fund, founded in 1927, stages an annual workplace campaign,
then doles out the bountiful proceeds to local arts organizations.

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Arts Council ready to play matchmaker

Leaders of the 20-year-old Arts Council of Indianapolis want to broaden the organization’s approach to arts advocacy. They
say they’d like to act as a cultural broker of sorts, making sure local artists are connected with possible patrons.

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