Judge rules Murat Centre can keep new name
A naming-rights lawsuit brought by The Murat Temple Association against California-based event promoter Live Nation and Evansville-based
Old National Bank has been dismissed.
A naming-rights lawsuit brought by The Murat Temple Association against California-based event promoter Live Nation and Evansville-based
Old National Bank has been dismissed.
A wave of fundraising pitches is about to wash over Indianapolis arts supporters. Five organizations either have announced
or are working toward the launch of major campaigns.
Face it, Larry; you messed up. You trusted a 19-year-old with a questionable past.
Today’s and tomorrow’s jobs are increasingly dependent upon more and better education
This week, Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre uses American lit as a launch pad; plus: books by local authors.
Chancellor's has high aspirations, with a seasonal, locally sourced menu clearly designed to appeal more to diners on
an expense account than college students on a budget.
Centaur plans to sell a casino west of Denver and a stalled casino development near Pittsburgh.
The Music for All Summer Symposium will bring about 1,600 students and teachers to campus June 18-25, 2011. Ball State is
to host the camp at least through 2015.
Win tickets to see dancers from American Ballet Theatre, Boston Ballet, Berlin Ballet and more at the Indianapolis City Ballet’s
Win tickets to see dancers from American Ballet Theatre, Boston Ballet, Berlin Ballet and more at the Indianapolis City Ballet’s
The Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library scheduled to open this fall in downtown Indianapolis will be part library and part museum.
Awaiting the 2011 city budget, Arts Council of Indianapolis’ Dave Lawrence discusses his transition to CEO and lessons
learned as arts funding grows scarce.
The canal-side institutions are having trouble luring White River State Park visitors. Why not use retail to get them in the
Feleica Locklear-Stewart’s attention. And she is on
a mission to make sure we do more, not just for athletes, but for all our young.
I’ve heard that there were people out there who quit their day jobs to take pictures of their outfits for a living,
but I couldn’t begin to imagine a business plan that could make that lifestyle happen.
While fantasy role-playing games form the core of GenCon, the convention has a lot to offer casual game players whose comfort
zone is closer to Yahtzee and Monopoly than Wizards of Warcraft.
This year, the Indiana State Fair is celebrating the Year of the Pig.
And that means pork is the main attraction in five dishes that were selected as finalists in the fair’s Signature Food
Summer on the Central Canal is like a beachfront boardwalk, teeming with life. People push strollers, hold hands and walk
their dogs. There are boats and bikes and Segways for rent. And four museums are steps away from the water. Yet most of them
capture few of the passersby.