Indianapolis (Museum of Art) vs. New Orleans (Museum of Art)
It’s an art-world smack-down.
It’s an art-world smack-down.
Score opening night tickets to the international sensation.
The Justice Department imposed major conditions upon Live Nation and Ticketmaster in approving the companies’ merger, moves
Assistant Attorney General Christine Varney said would have the effect of lowering ticket prices.
Indianapolis Art Center adds drinks to pottery class.
Sneak preview audiences caught the Jeff Bridges film Thursday evening.
Thoughts on the Globetrotters, Phoenix Theatre’s “Housewives of Mannheim,” and Beef & Boards’ “The Foreigner.”
I much prefer a nation that can be more the world’s benefactor and less the world’s cop.
Despite my American bias, there’s no doubt that soccer is the world’s game.
See the Indy-based comedy group, fresh from their appearance at the Chicago Sketch Comedy Festival.
Arts organizations fill out their winter/spring lineups.
Kerasotes, the nation’s sixth-largest movie house chain, has four theaters in the Indianapolis area; AMC, the No. 2 player, has two.
Groups that committed in 2009 to hold meetings in Indianapolis in future years booked a total of nearly 688,000 hotel-room
nights, a number that exceeded ICVA’s goal by 5 percent.
Musicians hit the picket lines today, forcing the last-minute cancellation of an IU residency.
City Market’s board president warns financing will challenge any of the six groups that responded to Mayor Greg Ballard’s
request for business ideas.
Last weekend’s A&E events included trips back to the 1970s at the IMA and the 1940s at the Phoenix Theatre.
Two walkways that will connect to the new Marriott Place hotel will extend downtown’s network of skywalk and underground pedestrian
paths to a total of 12 hotels with more than 4,700 rooms–the most of any downtown in the United States.
Catherine Fritsch exercises her night vision, creating a line of camisoles and more.
Third in a month-long series of visits to new pizza places.