
Feds sue developer Premier over raid on retirement accounts

Executives of defunct Indianapolis developer Premier Properties USA Inc. are negotiating to settle a lawsuit brought by the U.S. Department of Labor that claims the company raided employee retirement accounts in a last-ditch bid to save itself in early 2008.

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Celebrity lawyer Roy Black tapped in Durham criminal probe

Tim Durham says he’s ruined financially, but he’s not cutting corners lining up legal firepower to defend himself. Durham has hired famed criminal defense attorney Roy Black of Miami, lawyers representing the Indianapolis financier in civil litigation confirmed.

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Federal Home Loan Bank suing major players

The Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis has filed suit against some of the nation’s largest financial institutions, including Bank of America, Wells Fargo and J.P. Morgan Chase, to recover losses on a $3 billion portfolio of mortgage-backed securities.

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Bankruptcy trustee sues Durham art bidders

A Florida art dealer who successfully bid more than $260,000 on artwork that once belonged to Fair Finance Co. co-owner Timothy Durham says he canceled the sale. Now he and another big bidder from Philadelphia are being sued by Fair Finance bankruptcy trustee Brian Bash for nonpayment.

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Indianapolis investment adviser Gene Tanner in it for the long haul

At 78, L. Gene Tanner is one of the longest-serving investment advisers working in Indianapolis. Tanner spoke with IBJ's Norm Heikens about why he shifted to City Securities, his brush with convicted Ponzi scheme operator Bernard Madoff, and how his investment strategy has changed.

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