
Is Indiana coming out of venture capital swoon?

Carmel-based Dormir LLC’s announcement July 29 of $12 million in venture financing was the second local life sciences
deal announced in July. It could suggest a turnaround from a woeful second-quarter performance, when Indiana life
sciences firms announced zero venture capital deals.

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Carmel’s Dormir raises $12M from venture capital firms

Carmel-based Dormir Inc., which operates sleep study centers and sleep equipment stores around the country, raised $12 million
in venture capital from three out-of-state firms. The company plans use the proceeds to acquire six to 10 companies this year
and more next year, according to CEO Tim Miller.

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Conseco says profit in line with estimates

Conseco Inc. said it would meet analysts’ expectations for the second quarter by posting earnings of at least 22 cents
per share, before investment losses. The Carmel-based health insurer announced the preliminary financial results today after
the market closed.

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Grain Dealers Mutual merges with Florida firm

Indianapolis-based Grain Dealers Mutual Insurance Co., one of the largest property-casualty insurers in the state, will
become part of The Main Street America Group, the Jacksonville, Fla.-based company said this morning.

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Banks building new branches despite online age

Bank transaction counts—the number of people going into banks to make a deposit, cash a check or
conduct some other form of business—have declined in recent years with the increased popularity
of direct deposit, online banking and easy ATM accessibility. So why add branches?

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INVESTING: Looming debt problems present an opportunity

Whenever this bear market bottoms—and there is a growing possibility that we will see new lows in coming months—millions of investors will be throwing all kinds of assets away for pennies on the dollar. The discounts so far could pale in comparison. So, be patient, be prudent and be ready.

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INVESTING: High-frequency trading comes under scrutiny

A developing case of technology theft has shed light on the proprietary systems Goldman Sachs and other investment firms
use to make millions of dollars. A 39-year-old former employee at Goldman has been accused of stealing computer
code used in the company’s high-frequency trading system.

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Noblesville man sentenced for mortgage fraud

A Noblesville man was sentenced to one year of home detention yesterday after pleading guilty to mortgage fraud in federal
court. Marvin G. Hampton also was ordered to pay $262,424.76 in restitution to three lending institutions.

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