
A bit of Lauth history

Regarding the May 25 story, [“Lauth granted reprieve,”] please note that Lauth Property Group is an offshoot of the original company founded by myself and Terry Eaton in 1976. It was then known as Ernst/Eaton Associates.

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NEA takeover humbles once-mighty ISTA

The National Education Association said today that it is taking over its Indiana affiliate, a stunning comeuppance for what
long had been one of the most powerful union forces in the state.

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Top investment minds weigh in on erratic market

In recent weeks, two of the planet’s most respected investment minds have weighed in with their thoughts on the state of the world’s financial affairs—Bill Gross at PIMCO in southern California and Jeremy Grantham of GMO LLC in Boston. It is always worthwhile to examine their thoughts and the logic behind them. As investor hopes […]

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Growing government likely to keep bull at bay

President Obama is wrong when he says government
is the only solution to what ails America’s economy. In reality, his thoughts are tragically flawed. Government, as we know it today, is the problem.

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Recession has a domino effect on venture capital

Call it a trickle-down effect, but not the kind President Reagan would have liked. The recession has cost most institutional
investors, such as university endowments, about a quarter of their value. As a result, venture capitalists’ primary source
of funding has dried up. The implications for Hoosier entrepreneurship are stark.

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Buy-and-hold evidence can be misleading

You’ve heard all the nonsense from the mainline advisers and brokers. They say a buy-and-hold approach is the answer, the
market always comes back, and diversified investing is the key to long-term success. You are starting to get the sense that it’s all bull. Here’s why.

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