
Executive pay continues on upswing

The median senior executive collected $923,705 in salary, stock or stock options, incentive pay and perks in 2013, IBJ found in a review of proxy statements at 64 companies.The median compensation rose 20 percent from 2012 and doubled since 2006.

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BMO Harris shaking up rules of game for car loans

BMO Harris Bank’s dealer compensation change—to a flat-fee based on a vehicle’s purchase price—brings to light how consumers have for years unknowingly footed a payment to dealers through higher interest rates on their car loans.

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Mortgage rates sink to 2014 low

Warmer weather has yet to boost home-buying as it normally does. Rising prices and higher rates have made affordability a problem for would-be buyers, while many homeowners are reluctant to list their properties for sale.

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City controller floats idea to change retirement plans

If the plan is carried out, new city employees wouldn’t be eligible for pensions through the Indiana Public Retirement System. Instead, they would have a defined-contribution plan similar to the 401(k) plans offered by private-sector employers.

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