
Fed betting it will avoid central banks’ errors of the past

The U.S. Federal Reserve is poised to raise interest rates Wednesday for the first time in 9-1/2 years. It may not take long to know whether its decision was correct. History is filled with cases when central banks raised rates prematurely, sometimes with dire consequences.

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Sale might provide salvation for Stonegate investors

After a rocky two years as a public company, perhaps the best path forward for Stonegate Mortgage Corp.—now that the board has given the company’s CEO and founder his walking papers—is to pull the rip cord and sell the business.

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Outside banks nab deposits in Indy

Several out-of-town community banks have launched a full-court press on Indianapolis over the past decade and are seeing solid traction. Experts say they’re coming here because per-capita income and populations in their own back yards are growing more slowly and, in some cases, even declining.

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Bank loan activity rising, but small-biz lending lagging

According to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., at the end of 2008 Indiana financial institutions had $4.6 billion in small-business loans on the books that originated for less than $1 million. That figure stood at $3.8 billion this past June, about 17 percent lower.

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Fed’s most powerful trio keeps December rate rise on table

Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen and New York Fed President William Dudley said the central bank could boost interest rates as soon as next month, while Fed Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer voiced confidence that inflation isn’t too far below the goal.

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