Sign company ends economic development deal with Fishers
A sign company that moved to Fishers in 2014 and snagged an economic incentives deal with the city is backing out of the plan.
A sign company that moved to Fishers in 2014 and snagged an economic incentives deal with the city is backing out of the plan.
The addition, proposed by Gershman Brown Crowley, will encompass nearly four acres on the southeast corner of 116th Street and Springmill Road.
More restaurants are expected to arrive in the retail development near Interstate 69 and Southeastern Parkway in Fishers.
The Grand Rapids, Michigan-based retailer that opened on Carmel Drive in the Old Meridian District in 1994 is adding several new services and upgrading various shopping sections.
Hamilton County elections didn’t have any mayoral upsets, but Boone County saw a shake up.
The Zionsville Town Council discussed a financial arrangement Monday night that would include constructing a new town hall on the land directly north of where the existing municipal building sits on Oak Street.
An economic impact study of the proposed State Road 37 roundabout project predicts there would be $390 million in benefits to the area.
Carmel’s tax increment financing districts have $32 million more in assessed value than projected about a year ago.
Lebanon-based tool manufacturing Festool USA on Monday announced plans to add 55 workers as part of a $6.8 million expansion.
The pieces of the Grand Boulevard and Main Street project in Carmel are starting to come together. The senior living facility, hotel, parking garage and apartment complex components have been designed and await final city approval.
The pre-primary campaign finance reports, which were due Friday, show that council members Carol Schleif, Sue Finkam, Eric Seidensticker and Luci Snyder raised less than their challengers in their respected races.
The Fishers Redevelopment Commission recently approved the sale of a parcel of land in the Nickel Plate District for $25,000 to Re/Max Ability Plus. The real estate agency plans to spend $1.8 million to construct a 7,200-square-foot building.
For the most part, mobile food vendors stick to downtown Indianapolis. More than 100 are licensed to do business in Marion County.
Whitestown is among the first communities to approve adding sexual orientation as a protected class in the wake of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act controversy.
Westfield’s 360-acre sports campus already has 31 soccer fields, and officials intend to plant grass to add the equivalent of seven or eight full-sized fields that can be converted to smaller sizes for youth games.
Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness recently created a task force to study electronic outdoor advertising and make a recommendation to the city on how to proceed with inquiries for digital signage.
Jon Gilman, CEO of Zionsville-based Clear Software, may have been the driving force behind the national media frenzy over the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Just Marketing International founder Zak Brown is taking the helm of one of the world’s largest sports and entertainment marketing companies, with 22 offices in 15 countries.
In the state’s fastest-growing county, Boone, the two fastest-growing towns both hope to stake a claim to unincorporated Perry Township.