
State charter schools leader takes national job

Russ Simnick, president of the Indiana Public Charter Schools Association since 2008, has taken a job with the Washington, D.C.-based National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, the IPCSA announced Tuesday.

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Mayor ups push to reform schools, hopes to halt family flight

Concerned that a shortage of high-quality schools is fueling a loss of population in Marion County, Mayor Greg Ballard’s administration and a series of community groups have drawn up a preliminary plan to help replicate the city’s most successful schools.

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Ballard won’t levy charter fee, despite fiscal squeeze

Mayor Greg Ballard is nationally recognized as a rigorous charter authorizer, picky about which schools open and willing to shut down the under-performers. But there is a cost to the city’s education work and Ballard may have to consider how much of it can be supported by the city’s maxed-out general fund alone.

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Ball State’s charter school oversight criticized

A report from a charter school sponsor trade group recommends closing charters that rank in the bottom 15 percent of their state's standardized test scores. Under that standard, 10 of Ball State's 38 charter schools would be closed.

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Charter, voucher backers wary of schools chief Ritz

During Republican Tony Bennett’s tenure as superintendent of public instruction, Indiana became the poster child for school choice. But with Bennett’s surprising election loss to Democrat Glenda Ritz this month, the future of charter schools and private-school vouchers is murkier.

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