

Thursday is deadline day for NFL, union

The NFL and the players' union no longer have months or weeks or days to reach a new collective bargaining agreement. If they don't get it done before Thursday turns to Friday on the East Coast, pro football's first work stoppage since 1987 is almost a certainty.

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Democrats delay state House action amid union protests

Democratic legislators are staying away from the Indiana House chamber, blocking the Republican majority from conducting business while hundreds of union members crowd the adjourning hallways in protest of a contentious labor bill.

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Indiana panel OKs labor bill as unions protest

Union supporters shouted "lie" and "shame" at members of a Republican-led Indiana House committee who voted in favor of so-called right-to-work legislation, after impassioned arguments that it was aimed at weakening unions and would drive down wages.

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Marsh agrees to settle labor complaint

Marsh Supermarkets Inc. has agreed to pay a total of $42,500 to settle a National Labor Relations Board case accusing the grocery chain of interfering with workers’ attempts to unionize.

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Marsh hit with second federal labor charge

National Labor Relations Board accuses supermarket chain of intimidating employees at its Beech Grove store for supporting an attempt to unionize. The charges follow a similar complaint NLRB made in November involving Marsh’s Georgetown Road store.

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MEREDITH: Students achieve more under collective bargaining

Recent reform measures—aimed at blaming teachers’ unions for all that ails public schools—claim that negotiated agreements are a large part of student achievement problems. Yet research shows that Indiana students fare better in school corporations where teachers have the right to collectively bargain.

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Feds charge Marsh with unfair labor practices

The National Labor Relations Board filed a formal complaint after investigating charges that Marsh Supermarkets threatened and intimidated employees to discourage them from forming a union. The grocery chain also allegedly fired an employee for supporting the union.

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NFL owners start planning for possible lockout

The Indianapolis Colts—and the team’s National Football League brethren—this month laid out plans for how teams would refund money to season-ticket buyers in the event owners lock out players and games are canceled next season.

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Irsay: NFL owners, players ‘have to find a solution’

National Football League owners are looking for ways to reach a new labor deal with players and preparing for what happens if those efforts don’t succeed. A strike or lockout could affect Indianapolis’ plans to host the 2012 Super Bowl.

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