
MAURER: A final lesson for entrepreneurs

To create a disciplined investment philosophy, I evolved from my experience “The Ten Essential Principles of Entrepreneurship You Didn’t Learn in School.” Over the course of 10 columns, I have featured each of these essential principles. This is the final installment.

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MAURER: Giving back is not always easy

I evolved from my experience, “The Ten Essential Principles of Entrepreneurship that You Didn’t Learn in School”—at least I didn’t learn them in school. Over the course of 10 columns, I am featuring each of these essential principles. This is the ninth installment.

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MORRIS: Dressing for success matters

I’ve been saying for longer than I can remember that I can’t believe how people dress these days. Far too many times, I’ll attend an event and notice folks who are dressed like they were getting ready to clean their garage or cut the grass instead of enjoying a night out.

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MORRIS: Confessions of a political junkie

I enjoy trying to peel away the outer covering of the business of politics, like an onion, to see what’s underneath. It’s hard to find the truth sometimes, but it has to be buried there somewhere among all the exaggerations and misleading information—or not.

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MAURER: Have patience with profits

To create a disciplined investment philosophy, I evolved “The Ten Essential Principles of Entrepreneurship You Didn’t Learn in School.”—Over the course of 10 columns, I will feature each of these essential principles. This is the eighth installment.

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MAURER: Make a statement this Halloween

What to wear? What to wear? You are probably having difficulty trying to decide on a costume for Halloween. Lady Gaga is reported to be the best-selling costume this year, but if you cannot abide her wacky style, here are some better choices.

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MAURER: Is this really what you want to do?

To create a disciplined investment philosophy, I evolved from my experience, “The Ten Essential Principles of Entrepreneurship You Didn’t Learn in School. Over the course of 10 columns, I will feature each of these essential principles. This is the seventh installment.

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MAURER: Get and keep control

To create a disciplined investment philosophy, I evolved from my experience, “The Ten Essential Principles of Entrepreneurship You Didn’t Learn in School”. Over the course of 10 columns, I will feature each of these essential principles. This is the sixth installment.

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MAURER: Kindness is a measure of success

To create a disciplined investment philosophy, I evolved from my experience, “The Ten Essential Principles of Entrepreneurship that You Didn’t Learn in School.” Over the course of 10 columns, I will feature each of these essential principles. This is the fifth installment.

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MAURER: If it feels right, take the leap

To create a disciplined investment philosophy, I evolved “The Ten Essential Principles of Entrepreneurship You Didn’t
Learn in School”—at least I didn’t learn them in school. Over the course of 10 columns, I will feature each
of these essential principles. This is the fourth installment.

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