
Indiana-born coat-checking firm gains steam after ‘Shark Tank’ appearance

Derek Pacqu&eacute, who started CoatChex in 2010, appeared a year ago on the ABC show in which entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to prominent investors. Billionaire Mark Cuban offered to invest but wanted a large ownership stake. Pacqu&eacute said no, and has since grown his company.

But really, he said, the company is doing just fine without the billionaire.

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Tech deal escalates battle of titans

The CEOs and of four cloud marketing companies–two national and two local–might make Indianapolis into a bridge between two feuding Silicon Valley giants. Or put the city in the middle of an aggressive arms race in one of the tech industry’s hottest markets—cloud marketing.

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‘Bob & Tom Show’ switching syndicators

The move has local radio executives wondering if the comedy show might move up the Indianapolis FM dial as well. Meanwhile, conservative commentator Abdul will switch to weekday evenings on WIBC.

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Pacers land IEDC as court sponsor

The Indiana Pacers have brokered a deal with an unusual sponsor—the Indiana Economic Development Corp.—to become the first of 30 National Basketball Association teams to sell courtside ads emblazoned on the hardwood.

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