Bloomington defends tough smoke-detector ordinance
Property owners sued in July to block the law, which requires landlords to install hard-wired smoke detectors by 2019.
Property owners sued in July to block the law, which requires landlords to install hard-wired smoke detectors by 2019.
An officer manager for an Indianapolis church faces charges of theft and forgery, the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office said Tuesday, after more than $177,000 was stolen from the church’s bank accounts.
U.S. District Court Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson on Tuesday blocked the start of the new law while she considers a challenge filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana.
A federal judge ruled Tuesday that former model Melania Trump had a valid agreement to market skin-care products for an Indianapolis firm, despite claims from hardware store magnate John Menard that the agreement should be voided.
Donald Trump’s wife testified Thursday that she would still promote her “Melania” line of skin care products if only the company that makes them, which is controlled by hardware mogul John Menard, would honor its contract with her.
Both in and out of court Wednesday afternoon, Steve Hilbert was calm but defiant about the allegations made by hardware store owner John Menard against him, describing them as “totally personal” and a “vendetta.”
A suspended Indianapolis police officer was convicted Tuesday of driving drunk and causing a fatal crash in a case that has roiled the city's police department for more than three years.
U.S. lawmakers, influenced by companies including Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co., Cisco Systems Inc. and Qualcomm Inc., are considering the second set of patent-law changes in three years as the courts try to race ahead of Congress.
The 2012 Indiana Judicial Service and Probation Report, released Monday, provide details about court operations at the county and appellate level.
Attorney and real estate developer Paul J. Page will serve two years of probation and pay a $10,000 fine for concealing the source of a $362,000 down payment on his purchase of a state-leased office building in Elkhart.
Federal prosecutors are asking a judge to sentence Indianapolis attorney Paul J. Page to prison for his role in a real estate deal involving a state-leased office building in Elkhart.
Former attorney William Conour sat in a federal courtroom Thursday afternoon and listened to several of his former clients tearfully describe how he had lied to them and stolen money from their settlements. The judge imposed half of the maximum sentence.
The toll from fraud perpetrated by former personal-injury attorney William Conour has increased significantly from earlier estimates, federal prosecutors said in a sentencing memorandum filed Tuesday.
A judge is hearing arguments from former Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White that his conviction on voter fraud should be thrown out because his lawyer, Carl Brizzi, didn't adequately defend him.
Simon Property Group directors improperly refused to let shareholders vote on changes to the company’s executive-compensation plan that resulted in a $120 million stock award to CEO David Simon, investors’ lawyers argued Monday in court.
The suit, filed in January 2012 by South African-based Bayer CropScience SA, charged that Dow Agro’s Enlist E3 soybean seed infringed one of its patents.
The judges will primarily visit K-12 schools and most will distribute pocket-sized versions of the state constitution, the federal constitution and the Declaration of Independence to students.
The state is appealing a Marion County judge's ruling last year awarding $52 million to IBM after then-Gov. Mitch Daniels canceled what was a 10-year, $1.37 billion contract.
Marion Superior criminal court Judge Kimberly Brown faces an array of accusations, including counts that her actions led to the delayed release of at least nine defendants and that she created “a hostile environment for attorneys, court staff, clerks, and other court officials.”
Trevor Bradley has agreed to serve jail time and repay nearly $38,000 after allegedly admitting to buying swanky merchandise with money from the Meadows Community Foundation.