
Indiana schools chief candidates split on leadership, ISTEP

The race has garnered little attention during the year’s campaign season, but the winner will have a role in major education matters: the replacement of the much-maligned ISTEP exam, the push to expand state-funded preschool programs and possible changes to the school ratings system.

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FOCUS: More kids take vocational classes but challenges remain

In the school year that ended in May, nearly 175,000 students were enrolled in more than 235,000 career and technical classes. That’s an 11 percent increase since the 2012-2013 school year, when Gov. Mike Pence challenged schools to serve students going to work as well as students going to college.

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Indiana official had say in independent report on tests

A report summarizing what was billed as an independent investigation into Indiana's new, unpopular standardized student exam includes edits and suggested changes by a state administrator hired by Gov. Mike Pence's State Board of Education.

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