
Target proposed for MSA site

A partnership of Hearthview Residential, Mansur Real Estate Services, Lauth and Venture Real Estate has proposed a complex including a 14-story tower along with a Target store, office space and condos for the…

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Kosene pitches towers

A $130-million retail and residential complex with two towers on either side of Market Street is one of the proposals expected today for redevelopment of the Market Square Arena site. Proposals are due at noon.Chase...
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									<article id="post-77669" class="flex post-77669 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-property-lines-scott-olson topic-development-proposals topic-downtown topic-msa topic-real-estate authors-cory-schouten">
							<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">MSA’s big day</a></h2>
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									<span class="posted-on"><time class="entry-date published updated" datetime="2007-04-18T13:23:27-04:00">April 18, 2007</time></span> 								</div>
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								<p>Bids for redevelopment of the Market Square Arena site are due at noon today. Who will file? What will they propose? Share your thoughts here, and check and this blog for updates all day.</p>
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