
BP: Hayward out as CEO

BP PLC says Tony Hayward will step down as chief executive officer on Oct. 1, to be succeeded by American Robert Dudley.

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Drivers paying more to use Indiana Toll Road

It's the second rate increase since the state leased the Toll Road to a private company, and Thursday's price jump
won't be the last. The state's lease with the private company allows tolls to go up every July after next year.

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Central Indiana aims to become electric vehicle powerhouse

Central Indiana might be in line to tap hundreds of millions of dollars in federal grants and loan guarantees to energize
the rollout of plug-in electric cars and trucks. Both chambers of Congress are considering measures that would require the
Department of Energy to select up to 15 cities nationwide to participate in a national electric vehicle deployment program.

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Plug-in car startup breaks all the rules

Wabash-based ClearFlex Automotive is using off-the-shelf technology to design a 2010 Ford Focus plug-in electric vehicle,
powered entirely by lead acid batteries. The company is gearing up for initial production of up to three vehicles a day.

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