Wishard Health Services rewards carpoolers
Landing the best parking spot doesn’t always require getting a big promotion.
Landing the best parking spot doesn’t always require getting a big promotion.
iQueue promises faster travel through security checkpoints. Participants pay $169 a year and get biometric identity card.
BP PLC says Tony Hayward will step down as chief executive officer on Oct. 1, to be succeeded by American Robert Dudley.
The man overseeing the much-maligned response by BP PLC to the Gulf oil spill crisis is the likely choice to replace gaffe-prone
Tony Hayward to run the company and would become the first American to ever head the oil giant.
Commuters and truckers could get an all-day headache when Interstate 70 closes in October to allow Eli Lilly and Keep Indianapolis
Beautiful to spruce up part of the city.
Moniker reflects ownership change years earlier, better description of company's focus.
Some opponents of the Interstate 69 extension says it’s not too late to kill the project even
though concrete has been poured for two miles in southern Indiana, and another 60 miles or so is under construction or in
an engineering phase.
Detractors of new-terrain route say cost cuts undermine economic development premise for extending the interstate.
Bulldozers await an office complex that previously served as headquarters to August Mack Environmental. It’ll be the first
building demolished along Interstate 69 to make way for highway expansion.
Cleveland-based Earnest Machine Products has signed a five-year lease for an existing 90,000-square-foot building in Park
100 on the city’s northwest side.
A wholesale grocery distributor is planning to move into a vacant warehouse in southern Indiana and potentially hire 60 workers.
Albert Chen, founder of Telamon Corp., revels in a messy desk, espouses
the benefits of humility, and admires Warren Buffett.
It's the second rate increase since the state leased the Toll Road to a private company, and Thursday's price jump
won't be the last. The state's lease with the private company allows tolls to go up every July after next year.
The future of electric-powered automotive transportation is already sitting in the showroom of the Indianapolis Smart car
dealership at 4000 E. 96th St. It’s a European version of the plug-in Smart.
Central Indiana might be in line to tap hundreds of millions of dollars in federal grants and loan guarantees to energize
the rollout of plug-in electric cars and trucks. Both chambers of Congress are considering measures that would require the
Department of Energy to select up to 15 cities nationwide to participate in a national electric vehicle deployment program.
Luxury Lexus sedans have potentially faulty engines, in the latest quality issue to confront the Japanese automaker after a string of massive recalls.
A long-running classic car auction in northern Indiana will continue under a Canadian company that is taking it over from
its founder who has faced financial troubles.
FedEx Corp. won partial dismissal of a class-action lawsuit brought by contract drivers who contend they are entitled to full
benefits because the company treats them as employees.
Wabash-based ClearFlex Automotive is using off-the-shelf technology to design a 2010 Ford Focus plug-in electric vehicle,
powered entirely by lead acid batteries. The company is gearing up for initial production of up to three vehicles a day.
State highway officials expect about 150 houses or businesses will have to be demolished as a new 20-mile stretch of U.S.
31 is built in northern Indiana.