
Republic bankruptcy case sure to enrich its advisers

Republic says the professional-services firms it has tapped should be paid well because they're helping the Indianapolis company work through a "unique set of circumstances" that has never been faced in an airline bankruptcy.

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ROP Road Contracts

Locals face tax decisions for roads funding

Cities and counties are set to receive millions of dollars for their road and street projects, but elected officials must decide whether to raise local vehicle taxes to keep the dollars flowing.

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Celadon eyes Mount Comfort for $20M headquarters

Publicly traded Celadon Group Inc. has had its headquarters at East 33rd Street and Mitthoeffer Road in Indianapolis since 1996. The company is looking elsewhere because that 40-acre site has no room for expansion and is landlocked.

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Member of ABN leadership team dropped from website

Athlete's Business Network, which wants to build a $500 million medical complex at the airport, had listed Scott Gorman as president of its substance-abuse unit. His name was removed after IBJ reported he did not hold a state license in addiction recovery or a college degree.

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