
Indiana House drops tax cut for school, road money

House Republicans tossed out Gov. Mike Pence's call for a tax cut Friday, unveiling a $30 billion biennial budget that instead relies on Indiana's roughly $500 million annual surplus to restore education cuts and pay for road and bridge repairs.

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Mass-transit measure passes key House hurdle

The House Ways and Means Committee cleared the bill, which would allow voters to decide whether to add 0.3 percent to local income tax rates to pay for a proposed central Indiana mass-transit system.

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Corn shortage idles 20 ethanol plants nationwide

Twenty of the nation’s ethanol plants have ceased production over the past year, including two in Indiana. There is growing concern about what happens if last year’s drought lingers through another corn-growing season.

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I-69 leg gobbling up state’s road funding

As legislators brace for a $250 million annual transportation spending gap down the road, the Indiana Department of Transportation has designated more than one-third of its entire federal highway aid this year toward building 27 miles of Interstate 69 between Crane and Bloomington.

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Judge OKs sale of Indiana’s oldest ethanol plant

A joint venture bought the New Energy Corp. plant at auction last week for $2.5 million. New Energy had hoped the auction would cover the company’s $54 million in debt. A large portion of that debt is owed to the U.S. Department of Energy, which guaranteed the original loans.

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Renamed Carmel financing firm planning big growth

Dealer Services Corp. in Carmel has begun operating as NextGear Capital after being acquired by Atlanta-based Manheim Inc. NextGear plans to relocate in the next month and double its employment, to 450, in the next year.

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Airport neighbors team up on ‘AeroVision’

Mayor Greg Ballard is expected on Jan. 30 to lay out plans for a cross-county economic development area anchored by Indianapolis International Airport that promises to quell political divisions and clear the way for investment.

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