BOHANON & CUROTT: ‘Market-tested betterment’ is something to be thankful for
Innovation only betters people’s lives if adopted, and only a market-test can assure it is truly an improvement.
Innovation only betters people’s lives if adopted, and only a market-test can assure it is truly an improvement.
The government of China can accomplish both five-day testing and mass detention because it maintains a pervasive, universal and unchecked system of surveillance on all its residents.
Government officials certainly don’t know the countless and ever-changing details of the market. Nor are they likely to intervene in ways that make markets more efficient. Antitrust
Jeff Korzenik, chief investment strategist at Fifth Third Bank, said Thursday that homeowners and businesses have become more interested in locating in suburbs and mid-sized cities—a trend that could benefit the Indianapolis area.
The Oklahoma Surgery Center, known as OSC, does not accept third-party payments from public or private insurance.
While average inflation targeting has some theoretical advantages, the move is easily seen as nothing more than a fig leaf for the Fed to increase its own discretion.
In an election, there is only one winner; those in the minority are just out of luck. Private markets, however, are very good at providing divisible consumption goods.
Some third-party partisans in swing states are offering to exchange their vote for the votes of two-party partisans in non-swing states.
Economists pretty much across the board argue that a nation’s trade balance is a byproduct of its investment opportunities and proclivity to save.
Academic research finds that selective tax incentives do not increase overall employment or business investment.
Let’s offer any household that moves to Indiana in 2020 or 2021 and earns $1 million or more, a zero tax rate on their income above $1 million for two years.
By 2023, the national debt is projected to be 107% of gross domestic product, which will be the highest in the nation’s history.
Median, inflation-adjusted household income increased 6.8% last year, to $68,703—among the fastest gains on record—as more Americans got jobs and wages rose, according to annual data released Tuesday by the U.S. Census Bureau.
We think “Wheel of Fortune” and “Jeopardy,” two uniquely American shows, give insights into at least three American sensibilities.
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’ has reported the U.S. household savings rate at 26% for the second quarter of 2020, nearly three times the post-WWII average of 9%.
Few fallacies are repeated more often than the myth that massive government stimulus packages are necessary to sustain the economy during a recession.
Our classes will combine in-classroom student interaction with major online components.
The Hong Kong freedom movement deserves our support and sympathy.
We did NOT suffer a shrinkage in GDP of 32.9% between the first and second quarters of 2020—more like a 9.5% shrinkage.
Eliminating federal assistance leaves the involuntarily unemployed reliant on state programs, which provide an average of only $350 a week. Who wants to see millions of Americans stuck in such dire financial straits?