
Dow Agro plans $340M expansion, 577 new jobs

The investment will greatly expand the company’s research and development capacity and is a major win for the Indiana
life sciences industry. Dow AgroSciences expects most of the positions to pay between $65,000 and $95,000 annually.

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PANEL: Progress is being made on environmental issues in state

New Watch Video iconExperts
say Indianapolis is moving forward on recycling, that environmental research is discovering promising technologies, and that
manufacturers are finding new things to make. Local cognoscenti from the green community testify to these developments in
five included videos.

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Convention center tours part of larger tourism strategy

Executives of Gen Con, one of the city's largest conventions, visited Indianapolis last week to get their first glance
of the construction of the Indiana Convention Center expansion. Local tourism officials are using such tours to market the
larger space.

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Task force endorses regional taxes for mass transit

After 30 years of government
studies of a regional transportation system, a private-sector group on Wednesday is set to unveil its own
plan that includes commuter rail and toll lanes added to congested interstate highways.

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