
Financial services firm to hire up to 153 in Castleton

Chicago-based Cortland Capital Market Services, which has $40 billion in assets under administration, has begun hiring for a variety of financial positions. The Indiana Economic Development Corp. has agreed to provide Cortland up to $1.8 million in tax credits.

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U.S.-Japan group calls for finishing trade pact

Government officials from the United States and Japan called Monday for completion of an international trade agreement that they said would strengthen ties between the two allies and help both countries recover from their own economic struggles.

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Large crowds buoying pro sports teams

There’s never been a better time to be a professional sports franchise operator in Indianapolis. Season-ticket renewal rates and attendance are near record levels. But some observers wonder whether too much of a good thing could turn into a bad thing if spending on sports outruns growth in the local economy.

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UPDATE: Tech entrepreneur Braun named DWD commissioner

State Rep. Steve Braun, an entrepreneur who sold a publicly traded technology company a decade ago, will take over leadership of the Indiana Department of Workforce Development in late November, Gov. Mike Pence announced Thursday morning.

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