Indiana manufacturer plans $7M expansion
Yorktown-based Mursix Corp. on Thursday announced plans for a headquarters expansion that’s expected to create 108 jobs by 2017.
Yorktown-based Mursix Corp. on Thursday announced plans for a headquarters expansion that’s expected to create 108 jobs by 2017.
Attempts to build the sector are making headway, but Indiana still lags leading states.
The Big Ten's push east could rob Indianapolis of two events that carry visitor spending of a combined $30 million each time they're held here.
The company said it will invest $2.5 million to lease and renovate an additional 9,466 square feet to expand its current 16,626-square-foot headquarters at Northwest Technology Park.
Local software firm Interactive Intelligence Group Inc. announced Thursday afternoon that it plans to hire 430 employees by the end of 2016 as part of a major expansion of its headquarters.
Jasper Engine & Transmission Exchange expects to buy, renovate and equip a 220,000-square-foot facility near its headquarters in the southwest Indiana city.
A subsidiary of TOA Industries Co. Ltd. plans to spend $72.1 million to construct and equip an additional 360,000 square feet of manufacturing and warehouse space at its existing facility in Morgan County.
Who makes more? The average National Football League player, Major League Baseball player or a professional cricket player in India? The answer might surprise you.
The argument that the complex could help revitalize the neighborhoods near the former GM stamping plant southwest of downtown could be crucial for securing the support of residents.
Indiana Packers Corp., which makes Indiana Kitchen bacon, said it will spend $2.3 million on a 56,500-square-foot facility on 5.9 acres about 45 miles from Indianapolis.
Coinciding with Gov. Mike Pence’s economic development trip to Germany this week, three German companies agreed to hire more than 100 workers in Indiana.
The area—roughly 14 square blocks—anticipates a passel of new development on and around the former site of Market Square Arena.
Elevate Ventures, which manages the federally backed Indiana Angel Network Fund, led the financing round.
The Carmel-based company said it will invest $21.2 million to renovate and equip its 130,000-square-foot manufacturing facility on Indianapolis' north side.
Jasper-based MasterBrand Cabinets Inc. expects to boost the work force and capacity at its Ferdinand operations, which already employ 1,500.
Indianapolis business travelers pay a premium to shave a few hours and a lot of hassle off their trips to Silicon Valley, and they appear eager to do so. A new nonstop route between Indianapolis International Airport and San Francisco was about three-quarters sold in January and February, the two slowest months for air travel.
Pay raises were a pipe dream for many Hoosiers last year—as the median wage in Indiana inched up 0.8 percent, to $31,990, according to federal data released this month.
Beauty products maker Ulta Inc. plans to open a fulfillment and distribution center in Greenwood that will employ as many as 537 people by 2018, the Bolingbrook, Ill.-based company announced Thursday afternoon.
Indiana manufacturers, universities and various state groups are abuzz about their involvement with the freshly minted, Chicago-based Digital Lab for Manufacturing—even if they’re not yet sure what their exact role will be.
The Pew Charitable Trusts has named Indiana one of seven states to participate in its 18-month initiative to discover effective business practices for economic development and remaining transparent to the public.