
Too few jobs in Indiana for science, tech graduates

Indiana’s problem with brain drain is that its business community is too weak to offer enough jobs or high enough pay to keep graduates with the best money-making potential—those with degrees in science, technology, engineering, math and business.

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Local auto services firm plans to add 20 jobs

Express Motor Vehicle Administration Corp., a provider of managed services for auto dealers, insurance companies, corporations and financial institutions, said it will create the jobs by 2015 as part of a $700,000 expansion.

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City announces pursuit of 2018 Super Bowl

Indianapolis will seek to host its second Super Bowl in 2018 after a highly praised debut in 2012. “We’re going after the Super Bowl on the merits of our greatness and what we accomplished” in 2012, said Colts owner Jim Irsay.

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Ballard wins allies for cricket strategy

Both sides of the political aisle are howling that the $6 million transforming Post Road Community Park into the Indianapolis World Sports Park could be better spent. Yet a powerful group of people and organizations says the 48-acre park championed by Mayor Greg Ballard is already paying off and will score even bigger dividends in the future.

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Spurned Indy continues to court manufacturing

Indianapolis is losing manufacturing jobs at a steady, some would say alarming, rate. And the Circle City is not alone, as many metro areas face serious challenges in retaining and attracting manufacturers.

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Indy’s new pro soccer team hits ticket sales milestone

Indy Eleven, the city’s new professional soccer franchise, has been on a season ticket sales tear since the International Champions Cup game was announced—and that sales push continues. Team officials now shooting for new goal by Nov. 11.

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