
EDITORIAL: Mike Pence on track with career education

The governor is putting money behind his rhetoric, proposing a $40 million increase in funding for career and vocational programs. By 2020, he wants to see a fivefold increase in students graduating with industry-recognized credentials.

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EDITORIAL: Curry, Thomas should explain Bennett investigation

Marion County Prosecutor Terry Curry and state Inspector General David Thomas should acknowledge the mysteries swirling around an investigation into former state schools chief Tony Bennett and explain to Hoosiers exactly what happened, and how it won’t happen again.

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EDITORIAL: Finishing touches for Ballard legacy

Mayor Greg Ballard may have begun his tenure as Indy’s top elected official with the label “accidental mayor.” But Ballard’s legacy will go well beyond the circumstances of his upset victory in 2007.

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EDITORIAL: Public deserves full disclosure

The city might be negotiating a sweet deal for Indianapolis taxpayers over the proposed $500 million justice center to be built across from the Indianapolis Zoo on the former site of General Motors’ stamping plant. Or, taxpayers might be getting a bad deal.

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EDITORIAL: Hogsett could spark debate

Joe Hogsett’s July 14 announcement that he’ll step down as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Indiana at the end of the month renewed speculation that he will run for mayor of Indianapolis next year. And to that prospect we can only say, bring it on

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