
EDITORIAL: It takes money to raise graduation rates

After the 2008-2009 school year—the first of the Greater Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce’s four-year Common Goal program, the overall
graduation rate among public schools in Marion County had jumped from 69 percent to almost 74 percent.

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EDITORIAL: Citizens’ utility deal is smart move

Much work remains before the city’s water and sewer utilities are sold to Citizens Energy Group, but the general outline
of the deal makes sense and deserves support—not political posturing—as final terms are hammered out.

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EDITORIAL: Booze bill is a small step for Sunday sales

More than once, we have used this space to rail against legislation that would further restrict alcohol sales in Indiana. So we are happy to be patting lawmakers on
the back for advancing a measure that would begin to ease the onerous limitations on when Hoosiers can buy booze.

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EDITORIAL: City should phase in new fees

Mayor Greg Ballard is on the right track with his plan to ask the City-Council to raise fees on businesses in order to
improve code enforcement. But the push-back he’s receiving from
the business community is understandable.

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EDITORIAL: IndyTalks gives the public a civil way to speak up

There’s no shortage of opinions about what our city and state need to do to prosper in the 21st century. But much
of what comes across is screamed in blogs or in stinging press releases issued by political parties whose only purpose is
to paint the opposition as out of touch.

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EDITORIAL: Airport vendors deserve a break

Concessionaires at Indianapolis International Airport are asking the Airport Authority for relief from a policy that requires them to price their goods at a level
consistent with what consumers pay at non-airport retailers. We agree the airport shops need a break.

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