Sports vision ripe for renewal
If the city is serious about continuing to use amateur athletics as an economic tool, more collaboration among the university,
city leaders and sports organizations is clearly needed.
If the city is serious about continuing to use amateur athletics as an economic tool, more collaboration among the university,
city leaders and sports organizations is clearly needed.
Unfortunately, there’s a major stumbling block to education beyond high school — too many people in the state simply
can’t afford it.
Scan our Holiday Wish List on page 34 to see if you have what local not-for-profits want this holiday season.
The Metropolitan Development Commission gave Indianapolis area transportation planners the green light Nov. 12 to do an expedited
study that would show locations, cost and potential ridership for mass transit routes region-wide.
The Indiana General Assembly should pass a bill into law that bans smoking in public places.
Indiana’s blue vote for president-elect Barack Obama on Election Day was a sign that Hoosiers are ready for change. So was
the state’s red vote to keep incumbent Gov. Mitch Daniels in office. In this case, the status quo means more change. Daniels
has been making gutsy and sometimes unpopular moves since taking office four years ago. He ran on a promise to keep shaking
things up.
We have a long-standing policy of not endorsing political candidates, but there’s no such policy where ballot initiatives
are concerned. So we urge our readers to vote "yes" on assessor consolidation.