State lawmakers vote to ditch ISTEP after 2017
The bill’s final vote came only after serious concerns raised by House Democrats, who passionately asserted on the House floor that they were being left out of future discussions over the test.
The bill’s final vote came only after serious concerns raised by House Democrats, who passionately asserted on the House floor that they were being left out of future discussions over the test.
Under current state law, only head football and assistant coaches are required to complete concussion training. Senate Bill 234 would expand the law to include head coaches and assistant coaches of any interscholastic sports in fifth through 12th grade.
The 4,000-seat bleachers at a suburban Indianapolis high school football stadium will remain off-limits until they can be replaced or repaired.
The state legislature on Wednesday brought back to life all or part of two education bills that had pretty much been given up for dead.
A dozen funds that responded to requests for their returns for the first six months of fiscal 2016 showed an average loss of 3.8 percent. Indiana University’s loss was even larger.
D. Mark McCoy will become the 20th president in the private, liberal arts college's 179-year history July 1.
But Superintendent Lewis Ferebee also knew about the alleged sexual relationship six days before the district told the state, a district spokeswoman said.
Jim Streitelmeier, the pastor of Neighborhood Fellowship, has a specific year when he thinks Indianapolis’ social problems really took off:1973. That’s when Indianapolis Public Schools began busing black students to predominantly white schools in order to, at long last, integrate them. And it’s also the year Indiana passed a no-fault divorce law.
Ball State University's Faculty Council has decided to hold off on considering a resolution declaring a lack of confidence in the board of trustees amid the former president's abrupt departure.
Policymakers on both the left and right have long felt hamstrung when it comes to addressing the problems that decades of social science research have shown hurt the economic prospects, not only of those in the midst of them, but everyone else in the community.
Some schools are being affected by a flawed question on Indiana's standardized ISTEP student exam, which began Monday.
The new companies are based in the engineering, industrial technology, information technology, life sciences, nanotechnology, pharmaceuticals and software sectors.
Indiana House lawmakers on Thursday effectively killed a proposal that would have diminished the power of teachers unions amid an intense backlash from labor leaders and opposition from within the GOP.
Each year children spend growing up in the Indianapolis area causes them to fall further and further behind their peers nationally in future earnings potential.
The problems at Tindley Accelerated Schools didn’t go away when Chancellor Marcus Robinson resigned. If anything, the change served only to highlight the challenges still facing the once-lauded charter school system.
Ball State University alumnus John Schnatter and the Charles Koch Foundation are partnering on a $3.25 million grant to establish the center, to be named after the pizza chain founder.
Medical malpractice victims would be able to receive more compensation under a bill passed on Monday by an Indiana House committee
A House Education committee on Monday advanced a contentious proposal to give Indiana school districts authority to negotiate higher pay with individual teachers.
During Raj Acharya’s tenure at Penn State, the university's computer science research expenditure moved from 64th in the nation in 2001 to eighth in 2013.
The new contract increases Ferebee’s potential pay to $287,000 a year and extends his contract until 2019.