
IPS chief declares $30M budget deficit a mirage

New superintendent Lewis Ferebee unveiled the results of his analysis of IPS finances by saying a $30 million structural budget deficit wasn’t real, but was instead the result of a “budgeting tactic” used by his predecessors.

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Anderson University president plans to step down

James Edwards plans to leave his position by the end of the 2014-15 academic year. He has served in the role for nearly 25 years and is only the fourth person to hold the office in the school’s 97-year history.

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Ivy Tech seeking millions to churn out more degrees

State leaders want twice as many Hoosiers earning post-high-school credentials by 2025 as there are today. And the only realistic way for the state to get there is for Indianapolis-based Ivy Tech to double its enrollment and double its graduation rates.

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