School-voucher applications in Indiana double again
The Indiana Department of Education reports it received 20,047 applications for vouchers for the 2013-14 school year.
The Indiana Department of Education reports it received 20,047 applications for vouchers for the 2013-14 school year.
Indiana lawmakers are studying the impact of a sentencing reform law the General Assembly approved earlier this year.
The state plans to nearly triple its spending on Advanced Placement tests in high schools this academic year—despite the fact most students are failing them.
Jo Ann Gora is getting a 3.5-percent pay hike months after her salary drew attention when deferred compensation and incentives pushed it to nearly $1 million.
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is adding an Indianapolis Democrat to the State Board of Education following questions over whether the group had too many Republicans.
The Indianapolis-based National Collegiate Athletic Association said in a statement Tuesday that the university had made “continued progress toward ensuring athletics integrity” in the aftermath of the Sandusky case.
Fewer than 20 percent of Purdue students participate in international study programs before graduating, and one of university President Mitch Daniels' new initiatives is to increase that to one-third of some 30,000 undergrads.
Muncie school board members are considering closing the 6,000-seat Muncie Fieldhouse to save money. The gymnasium turns 85 in December.
The university's Center for Urban Ecology will use the federal money to create sites along six Indianapolis waterways that will educate the public about the city’s water system.
A new Indiana law that prevents public schools from turning away transfer students with poor grades or disciplinary problems has prompted some districts to end their open enrollment policies.
Members of a new group studying the state’s A-F school grading system got to work Thursday with a history lesson of sorts that raised questions about the difficulty of marrying state and federal rules for education accountability.
Hoosier students scored slightly higher on Indiana Statewide Testing for Educational Progress-Plus exams taken in the spring, despite computer problems that interrupted some of the exams.
Eugene White will assume the post of interim president after the departure of George Miller, who left just 18 months after accepting the top job.
The judges will primarily visit K-12 schools and most will distribute pocket-sized versions of the state constitution, the federal constitution and the Declaration of Independence to students.
Purdue University officials are moving ahead with plans for spending about $150 million to renovate several engineering buildings and construct a new classroom and library building in West Lafayette.
Senate Minority Leader Tim Lanane, D-Anderson, said the benefits of preschool are too important to ignore for Indiana to remain one of 10 states that doesn’t put state funding into the programs.
Indiana's Senate Democratic leader called for an investigation Thursday after fundraising lists for former state schools chief Tony Bennett were discovered on state computers.
Former Indiana schools chief Tony Bennett faces scrutiny over the discovery of lists of Republican fundraisers on Department of Education servers and emails he sent directing staff to dissect a speech by Democrat Glenda Ritz.
Purdue University says it will create two endowed professorships in the history of science and medicine after a $3 million donation to its history department.
Indiana’s problem with brain drain is that its business community is too weak to offer enough jobs or high enough pay to keep graduates with the best money-making potential—those with degrees in science, technology, engineering, math and business.