IUPUI Honors College goes from dreary to dazzling
Renovation of library space creates academic attraction.
Renovation of library space creates academic attraction.
Ball State University plans to build a $25 million hotel in a building that will also have student-housing space, conference rooms and two restaurants.
Indiana University Health announced Tuesday that it will give $75 million in additional funding over the next five years to ramp up research at the Indiana University School of Medicine and launch more clinical trials around the state.
Manchester College in northern Indiana is changing its name to Manchester University this summer. The school is expected to open its new School of Pharmacy in Fort Wayne in August.
The exact nature of the probe is not clear. The appointment comes after the school district placed Jeff McGown, a Martinsville second-grade teacher and High School girls tennis coach, on administrative leave last week.
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology's trustees have named Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer Robert Coons the school's interim president following the death of late President Matt Branam.
Matt Branam, 58, died Friday morning after being transported from his office to a hospital. The 1979 graduate of the school returned in 2009 to serve as president.
Fountain Square Academy, a charter middle and high school with about 270 students, will remain open after Ball State University decided to grant it a charter to continue operating after this school year.
Ball State University's president is blaming "incredibly unsympathetic" state legislators for the school's low ranking on faculty salaries.
Indiana Tech officials expect the law school to have 100 students when it opens in the fall of 2013 and grow to about 360 students when it's in full operation. It will be the fifth one in the state.
Some proponents of the Mind Trust plan to restructure Indianapolis Public Schools are looking to advance its key principles the old-fashioned way: by electing pro-reform members to the IPS board.
Judge Tanya Walton Pratt late last month granted ITT’s motion for attorney’s fees and sanctions against Mississippi attorney Timothy Matusheski, as well as two law firms that worked with him on the case—Motley Rice LLC in Los Angeles and Plews Shadley Racher & Braun LLP in Indianapolis.
IT professor Ali Jafari, who netted Indiana University $23 million on its $130,000 investment in his Angel Learning when it sold three years ago, recently launched CourseNetworking, which allows learners across the globe to connect and chat around shared interests and class subjects.
Striking down Indiana's school voucher program because some schools are affiliated with churches would amount to unnecessary government interference into religion, the law's supporters argue in court documents.
The $38 million Lyles-Porter Hall will house numerous health programs. Purdue also is planning a $25 million Drug Discovery Building that will bring together pharmaceutical researchers from throughout the school.
For-profit U.S. colleges, including Carmel-based ITT Educational Services Inc., would be barred from spending federal taxpayer money on advertising, marketing and recruiting under a Senate bill targeting the education-based businesses.
In an hour-long defense of Indianapolis Public Schools, Superintendent Eugene White outlined plans to streamline administrative staff, create more choices for parents, direct more resources to the district’s most challenged schools and give more autonomy to its highest performing schools.
The test will replace the ISTEP exam currently taken by Indiana students in grades 3 through 11 and end-of-course assessments taken at the end of algebra 1 and English 10 classes.
After the recession forced a freeze in its professors’ pay, IU’s flagship Bloomington campus boosted faculty salaries roughly 6 percent this year, vaulting its top professors’ pay past Purdue’s professors.
Georgetown University Associate Provost and Dean Robert L. Manuel will become president of the University of Indianapolis in July, succeeding Beverley J. Pitts, who is retiring after seven years at the school.