Indiana 3rd-graders prepare for new reading test
Indiana's third-graders are gearing up for a new state reading test that could determine whether they can move on to the fourth grade.
Indiana's third-graders are gearing up for a new state reading test that could determine whether they can move on to the fourth grade.
Parents across Indiana weary of paying sometimes-hefty fees for their children to attend full-day kindergarten classes could soon catch a break.
Eventually, the system will heat and cool 5.5 million square feet of buildings and save $2 million a year in operating costs.
Charter schools for adults continue to pick up steam, as Christel House International prepares to launch the fourth such school in Indianapolis.
Administrators at Indiana University and IUPUI want to create a philanthropy-driven school in Indianapolis, and they might do away with another widely recognized school in the process.
George E. Miller III, a former astrophysicist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, is the Indianapolis school’s third president.
Moore's Law states that the number of transistors that can be placed on an integrated circuit doubles every 18 months to two years, and it's predicted to reach its limit with existing technology in 2020.
For the past four years, Ivy Tech Community College has soaked up 60,000 extra students displaced by the recession even though the funding for new staff and facilities has not kept pace. But now Ivy Tech President Tom Snyder says the sponge is waterlogged.
For-profit college operators such as Carmel-based ITT Educational Services Inc.would lose a financial incentive to enroll soldiers and veterans under U.S. Senate and House bills aimed at curbing what sponsors call aggressive marketing of subpar programs.
A bill that would require Indiana's school boards to disclose all financial details of proposed superintendent contracts before voting on them drew only positive comments during a public hearing before a legislative panel.
A legislative committee has endorsed a bill that would prohibit Indiana's public school districts from charging fees for school bus service.
Republican House Speaker Brian Bosma is using a procedural move to kill the proposal for this legislative session.
The Indiana House Education Committee voted unanimously Monday to approve a measure that would make it easier for students to carry credits earned from one state university to another.
Indiana will take advantage of a federal waiver on provisions of the No Child Left Behind act to create better education for students, State School Superintendent Tony Bennett said.
The Mind Trust plan for transforming Indianapolis Public Schools calls for turning the district into a network of charter-like schools and giving them 15 percent to 25 percent more dollars to spend than Indianapolis charter schools currently enjoy.
The new law would prevent the I-Light data network from straying beyond its stated mission of serving the state’s colleges and universities.
A state panel has approved changes to Indiana's A-to-F grading standards for public schools despite complaints that the new rules are too complex for schools and parents to understand.
President Barack Obama on Thursday will free 10 states, including Indiana, from the strict and sweeping requirements of the No Child Left Behind law, giving leeway to states that promise to improve how they prepare and evaluate students, The Associated Press has learned.
Indiana's public school districts wouldn't be able to end school bus service for their students under a proposal advancing in the General Assembly after protests from parents in a suburban Indianapolis district who now face annual bills of more than $400 a child for rides to and from school.
The innovation that led to the execution of Super Bowl XLVI was truly remarkable. On so many dimensions (crowd sizes in Super Bowl Village, scarves, the Legacy project, volunteers, murals and Super Service to name a few), Indianapolis demonstrated that it is a first-class city. It demonstrated once again, and on a level never before seen, that Indianapolis is a best practice for those studying hallmark event execution.