
NCAA delays decision on stipend for scholarship athletes

The National Collegiate Athletic Association will wait to decide on whether scholarship athletes at college sports’ top division will be eligible for as much as $2,000 a year to pay for food, transportation and other incidental expenses.

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Judge upholds Indiana school voucher law

A Marion Superior Court judge affirmed Indiana’s school voucher law on Friday, rejecting opponents’ arguments that the largest such program in the nation unconstitutionally uses public money to support religion.

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Indiana legislators consider basketball tourney bill

The Senate's education committee conducted a hearing Wednesday afternoon on a bill that would force a return of the state's old single-class basketball tournament, along with provisions to block school districts from starting their academic year before Labor Day and require the teaching of cursive writing.

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Legislation seeks more aid for college athletes

The legislation would require large athletic programs to cover all sports-related medical expenses incurred by athletes. In addition, the legislation would require colleges to continue providing financial aid to students whose athletic scholarships are revoked despite being in in good standing.

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IT upgrade for state dogged by delays

The state missed a Dec. 15 deadline to complete a complicated technology overhaul of its unemployment insurance system—the latest in a series of delays that have added years to the project and led to more than $18 million in cost overruns.

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Report: ISU struggling to retain key students

Indiana State University officials concerned about low freshman retention rates, especially among African-American students, are looking at ways to keep more students in college to get their degrees.

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Some worry vouchers could cause reverse migration

Private schools that saw enrollment swell this year because of Indiana's sweeping school voucher program fear they could see some of those gains erased next year as parents paying their own way instead enroll their children in public school so they can qualify for a voucher the following year.

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