Indiana University buys up triple-X domain names
Indiana University is acquiring 11 Internet domains names using a new suffix meant for pornography sites. Numerous colleges across the nation are taking similar measures.
Indiana University is acquiring 11 Internet domains names using a new suffix meant for pornography sites. Numerous colleges across the nation are taking similar measures.
Terre Haute Sen. Tim Skinner and Oldenburg Sen. Jean Leising said they plan to submit bills when lawmakers return to Indianapolis in 2012 that would require the writing style be taught.
The Indiana University School of Law in Indianapolis will be renamed Robert H. McKinney School of Law in honor of the retired banker and attorney.
The study found graduates who found jobs in manufacturing landed the highest pay, but more ended up in the lower-paying education and health care service industries.
The local legal community is speculating that the announcement involves a large donation and a renaming of the school.
Ball State University said Tuesday it will offer $500 scholarships to students on track to graduate within four years and take other steps that could save some students as much as $10,000 over the course of their college careers.
Stonegate Early College High School is folding midyear due to financial troubles. The city has hired a trustee to help families find new schools.
Indiana’s nearly 300 school superintendents are receiving more compensation than reported in their contracts, with extra payments for benefits such as health insurance counting toward their overall salaries for pension purposes, a newspaper’s investigation has found.
Student leaders on three college campuses are urging Indiana lawmakers to enact a law that shields underage drinkers from disciplinary action if they report that someone is intoxicated and at serious health risk.
The office, at NASA Ames Research Center, in Mountain View, Calif., aims to commercialize Purdue-developed technology through partnerships with private industry.
Unusual surgeries bring certain amount of prestige, but not a lot of profit.
The Franklin Township board voted 3-2 Monday night to fight a parent lawsuit aimed at forcing the district to restore free school bus service.
The study of the horse industry's 2010 impact found racing generates the most revenue, while people who enjoy riding and other horse-related activities for recreation comprise the industry's largest segment.
The William Masters and Virginia Johnson collection includes materials from the 1950s through the 1990s chronicling their sex research.
A memo that sparked concern among Indiana's school districts by saying they would begin losing funding this month under the state's new private school voucher law was sent "prematurely" a state education official says.
Bigger and better surroundings for undergrads at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business will be named Hodge Hall, in honor of an alumnus James Hodge, who is giving $15 million for the project.
Christine Collier, the longtime leader of the Center for Inquiry elementary and middle schools, is designing a high school within the Indianapolis Public Schools system that officials hope will draw students who now attend some of the highest-achieving K-8 schools in the IPS system.
Leaders of the Franklin Township district in suburban Indianapolis say they don't intend to restore free school-bus service unless courts order them to do so.
Like Goodwill’s program, it would cater to dropouts.
Nearly four of five students received A’s in Indiana University education classes in 2010-2011, but education deans at IU and other universities say grading is approached differently than in other schools, such as math.