
Ivy Tech renews president’s contract

Thomas Snyder is set to lead the nation’s largest singly accredited statewide community college through at least 2014. His
annual salary of $300,000 remains unchanged.

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Purdue aims to boost solar progress

Purdue University will join the quest for cheap solar-generated electricity with an initiative aimed at speeding up research
across the industry. The Network for Photovoltaic Technology will launch this fall, focused on creating computer models to
eliminate costly and slow trial-and-error research in the solar industry.

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IU sees big jump in private funding

Indiana University announced Monday that it has seen a 38 percent increase in private-sector grants and contributions from
a year ago, when such revenue declined during the recession.

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Indiana adopts national core education standards

The Common Core State Standards are intended to replace education goals that vary wildly from state to state with a uniform
set of expectations. The standards have already been adopted by many states, with a majority expected to sign up soon.

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